Thursday, November 15, 2012

Blog Hop! Some fun things about Rewind to You.

Thank you, Kelly Nelson, for the tag! You can learn more about Kelly and her books The Keeper’s Calling and The Keeper’s Quest from her website, facebookpage  or through twitter (@kellynelsonauth). The Keeper’s Calling is available for purchase via Deseret Book, Amazon, and as well as on Kindle & NOOK.

Also, a big thanks to Cami Checketts for tagging me as well. Cami is the author of Dead Running. You can find out more about Cami on her blog, website and facebook page.

(A picture I took on River Street in Savannah, on)

This is so much fun. I could talk about my book all day, but I'll keep it brief. Here are my answers to the blog hop questions regarding my completed manuscript:

1: What is the working title of your book?

Rewind to You

2: Where did the idea come from for the book?

I was sitting on a Georgia beach with my husband. Picture a sunrise over the Atlantic Ocean and you'll understand why I wished I could pause time. You know, save the moment so I could "rewind" to it someday and never forget it.

Well that got me thinking. What if we could rewind to pivotal moments in life, moments we're powerless to change? At first thought, it seemed like an awesome idea. The longer I mulled it over, however, the more potential conflicts and pain I saw arising from such a scenario. If you could rewind to a point in your past, would you want to do something to change the future you've already lived? Do you have regrets? My character does.

3: What genre does your book fall under?

YA contemporary

4: Which actors would you choose to play your characters in a movie rendition?

Oh man, this is super hard! Since my female protagonist, Sienna, is a teen and a dancer, let's go with:

                Alyson Stone

And for Austin, my male hunk protag with baby blue eyes? Perhaps someone like:


                   Zac Efron or Liam Hemsworth

5: What is the one-sentence synopsis of your book? (Okay, I can't help it. Here's three...)

One year after her father's tragic death, seventeen-year-old Sienna Owens begins having trauma-induced flashbacks to a pivotal moment she is powerless to change. Retreating to coastal Georgia with her mom and little brother, Sienna meets the irresistible college wide receiver Austin Dobbs and learns that while love can mend the heart, it can also slip through your fingers forever. And any moment in time can only truly be lived once.

6: Will your book be self-published or represented by an agency?

I'm on the hunt for representation.

7: How long did it take you to write the first draft of your manuscript?

My 40,000 word "detailed outline" took 2 months. It took another five months (and a baby born during this time) to complete what I consider my first draft. (The fact that my novel is set in Savannah, GA has nothing to do with the reason why my baby girl is named Savannah. ha ha).

8: What other books would you compare this story to within your genre?

Anything Sarah Dessen, Deb Calletti, Nicholas Sparks or Jenny Han.

9: Who or what inspired you to write this book?

The two men who have have played the most influential roles in my life: my husband and my dad. My dad passed away when I was a teenager so this novel hit home for me. My husband is a hunk with baby blue eyes, and he's the one who encouraged me to pursue my passion for writing.

10: What else about your book might pique the reader’s interest?

Austin and Sienna meet on River Street in Savannah, Georgia. Ever been there? If not, go! You'll love the almond praline ice cream at the River Street Sweets Candy Store (Austin and Sienna did!). I love incorporating food with fiction Read my The Power of Food in Fiction post here to see why.

Thank you for reading! And thank you, Kris Cherrington, for the fun comment idea. Her vote goes to Zac Efron as the actor she would pick to play Austin. What's your vote? Leave a comment below!

Here is a list of authors who will be joining the hop for week 24 on December 5th. I hope you’ll visit their blogs and learn more about their books. Maybe one of them will become your new favorite author!

  1. Donna Hatch. Donna is the author of several incredible romance titles including The Stranger She Married and Queen in Exile. Visit her blog here!
  2. Alison has a great writing blog--The Life and Writings of Sleepy Joe--with insightful thoughts and tips. Visit her blog here.
  3. Debra Erfert. Visit Debra's blog, Debra's Windows into Writing on the fifth to find out a little bit more about her writing!
  4. Betsy Love. Betsy is great author. Check out her novels Identity and Soulfire on Amazon, and be sure to check out her blog (click HERE) on the fifth for her blog hop answers.


  1. I really liked your three sentence synopsis. I can't wait to buy a copy of your book. I vote for Zac Efron.

  2. lol One vote for Zac Efron noted! Thanks for the comment!

  3. Ok you have me hooked, can't wait to hear more. PS you can get me on ;-)

    1. I am SO glad it hooked you! Thank you for the comment, Alison! You rock!

  4. SOLD!! I am in love with this concept--I love a good, emotionally gripping contemporary. AND if you have a Zac-ish boy in your book--BOOYA! Count me in. (I've got Zac's doppleganger in my book. You can't go wrong)

    1. Thank you!!! I so appreciate your comment today! And now you have me intrigued about your book; I must hear more! :)

  5. Interesting blog, good writing experience! Thank you for sharing! Contemporary fiction is usually not my type of books but your post intrigued me... I guess you'll like a suggestion of mine, BTW, I usually post it at any site, blog I like: using sites like, cafepress. com, fiverr? They could be a good way to show your works and to help "remove" stupidity in the streets like headlines on t-shirts, fridge-magnets, cups, etc: My Boyfriend kisses Better Than Yours, FBI - female body inspector, etc. Not everything we see and think of should be about sex, right? It would be much better if there were more nice pictures, good thoughts, poems (from any genre are welcome I guess), etc? I'm allanbard there, I use some of my illustrations, thoughts, poems from my books (like: One can fight money only with money, Even in the hottest fire there's a bit of water, Money are amongst the last things that make people rich, or
    Love and happiness will be around,
    as all the chains will disappear,
    and Mountaineers will climb their mount
    and there won't be any tear!
    etc). I guess such lines could be appreciated by any author! Best wishes! Keep up the good work! Let the wonderful noise of the sea always sounds in your ears! (a greeting of the water dragons' hunters - my Tale Of The Rock Pieces).

  6. Loved this book! Can't wait to see it published.
