Wednesday, June 26, 2013

Books That Make You Laugh

If books that make you cry can actually increase happiness (as we talked about a couple of weeks ago--check out this link), what about books that make you laugh? That should go without saying.

The same Health Magazine article I mentioned in the previous post highlighted a study done at the University of Kansas which indicated that simply grinning can actually slow down your heart rate when you are stressed. Good news to all of us who enjoy smiling and a good laugh!

I love a good book that can make me laugh no matter where I am, don't you?

There are so many books that have made me smile and even laugh, it is impossible to list them all. Here are just a few books off the top of my head that come to mind (and please do share any books with good clean humor that you have enjoyed in the comments section!):

BLUE EYES AND OTHER TEENAGE HAZARDS (I always laugh while reading one of Janette's!)
CRUSH CONTROL (Jennifer is hilarious! I laughed so hard.)
HARRY POTTER (That Ronald Weasley. Gets me every time.)

THE HELP (Who else chuckled at Minnie Jackson and her attitude? I love Minni.)
PARANORMALCY (The overall voice of Evie is great. Found myself giggling at different parts throughout the entire book.)
MY DOUBLE LIFE (another great one by Janette)

Honey, Baby, Sweetheart
HARRY POTTER AND THE PRISONER OF AZKABAN (These two Harry Potter's stood out to me in the series. SO good.)
WHEN THE BOUGH BREAKS (This book by KayLynn is actually a tearjerker, but I remember a scene or two that made me laugh!)
DEAD RUNNING (I enjoyed seeing Cami's personality shine through in this humorous romantic suspense.)
Deb Caletti voice in HONEY, BABY, SWEETHEART has a fun, humorous tone. I found myself laughing several times!

Books that make my kids and I laugh together:

FROG AND TOAD (my husband was rolling in laughter the other night during bedtime stories)
THE BEARS' PICNIC (I laughed when I was child and now my kids are laughing too!)
CURIOUS GEORGE (or "Monkey George" as my kids call him. That little monkey is always up to something.)

And thanks again to my Facebook friends for coming through for me with this list of books that have made them laugh (click on the title to read more about each book on

Adult novels by author Shannon Hale

Also, check out THIS POST by my friend Britney Gulbrandsen for her Top Seven Funniest Children's Books for Adults!

Now, are you ready for a good laugh? Good. I am. And be sure to let me know about the next good book that makes you laugh.

Article mentioned: "9 Way to Go on a Bliss Trip" in Health Magazine

Wednesday, June 19, 2013

Yet Another Reason to READ

Something about summer makes me want to read, read, read! How about you?

I found it interesting that, according to a June 2013 Health Magazine Article titled Modern-Day Health Woes, Solved, the screens on computers, phones and TVs can "inhibit the sleep-inducing hormone melatonin and disrupt our circadian rhythms."

Basically, all of this technology is making us lose sleep! Not cool.

The article suggests dimming your computer screen at night, but what really caught my eye  was the sentence, "Better yet, do some reading under and incadescent light when you're winding down at night."

As a high-energy person who has to work for my sleep, I loved this. Another reason that reading is good for me--yippee! Happy to hear it. Maybe next time you lose sleep you can try turning off the TV/iPad and opt for some light reading (just beware of those three-o'clock-in-the-morning page turners!). :)

Image courtesy of debspoons/

Tuesday, June 18, 2013

I'm a Sucker For Romance, Aren't You?

Today is one of my favorite days of the year: our anniversary! Nine years later and crazier about him than ever. Thank you to my best friend, husband, man of my dreams and love of my life for showing me what Happily Ever After is all about.

Wednesday, June 12, 2013

Books That Make You Cry Can Actually Increase Happiness

Huh? Could this be true? A June 2013 Health Magazine article highlighted a study from Ohio State University that found that, for instance, "the more sadness people experienced during a movie, the greater their reported feelings of happiness were after the flick."

I agree.

The same applies to books, doesn't it? Think of the last book that made you cry. The article goes on to say that the sadness we feel at other's misfortunes (death, unfulfilled love, cancer, natural disasters, heartache...) can make us appreciate what we have.

Do you love a good book that elicits a tear? Please share any titles of books that made you cry in the comments! Here are a few stories that made me cry (or at least feel like it!):

THE HELP (so good!)
JUST ONE WISH (I cried and laughed)
WINTER GARDEN (couldn't stop crying, seriously)
DEAR JOHN (swoon, smile, cry...I loved this story)
LES MISERABLES (how could I not cry?)
CHARLOTTE'S WEB (me cry over a spider? Seriously, tell me I'm not the only one who teared up.)
LOVE YOU FOREVER (I remember my mom crying while reading this to me too)

And here are a few other great tearjerkers recommended by my Facebook friends (thanks to everyone for replying to my question and sharing your favorite cry-worthy or otherwise touching books!):

More about these books can be found on or 

Am I missing any? Please share your favorites in the comments.

Article mentioned: "9 Way to Go on a Bliss Trip" in Health Magazine