Tuesday, October 15, 2013

It's here! Chicken Soup for the Soul, Miraculous Messages from Heaven

Today is the day! A non-fiction short story I wrote is published in the newest Chicken Soup for the Soul book, released today. For more information, you can find Miraculous Messages from Heaven on Amazon or on Goodreads.

Happy day! :)


  1. Just read your story. Totally cried. I'm so happy that you're in a book! Woo!

  2. Britney, thank you for reading (and for commenting!) :) You are the best. I'm glad you enjoyed the story!

  3. That is awesome Lo!! Can't wait to read the story. You are a very spiritual person so i am not surprised that you story is in this type of book, way to go!

    1. Thanks, Sandra, for your kind words! And thanks for sopping by!
