Monday, October 7, 2013

October Madness Write-a-Thon Challenge #1

October Madness

I think today's write-a-thon brainstorming challenge on Britney Gulbrandsen's blog might have been just what I needed. The plot/scene I came up with and the characters I made up for it work perfectly for my new YA novel that I'm outlining. I needed an extra character to fill a certain role within my novel and I discovered who he is through this challenge!

Okay, so I rolled the dice and set a timer as instructed, and this is what I came up with:
Character #1: A Princess
Character #2: A Grandfather
Setting: Airplane
Object: A Piece of Paper

Sixteen-year-old Julianna used to be her grandfather's "little princess." Now, the two are at odds. To make matters worse, her grandfather is now flying in from California to live in a rest home in her neighborhood. A recent widdower and confined to a wheelchair, he is in need of constant care. Julianna's family's 2-story house won't accommodate him and her parents are too poor to even dream of buying another house. Especially after her brother, Vic, stole all of the family valuables and sold them for drug money.

At odds and nothing alike, Julianna and her grandfather stare each other down (Julianna with a courteous grin, Grandfather with a permanent scowl) as he arrives at the airoport. With an all-knowing smirk, Granfather holds up a piece of paper--a letter!--and says,"On second thought, I'm going to hold onto this. You're not ready for it."

Ah, I love it! Don't you? lol. Coming up with new writing material is always exciting. Thanks, Britney!


  1. Yay! I'm so glad my challenge helped your novel! :) I feel important haha. AND...I love your new novel!

  2. Ah, THANK YOU! I'm so glad you enjoyed! Our critique group was fun last night. Great to hear so many stories and ideas!
